martedì 25 marzo 2014

The “known” facts about european oil imports

Better to know this first conclusion:

Combining these IEA oil import estimates with the expectations from internal oil production, the consumption in Western Europe will decrease from 13.3 mbd in 2012 to 9.5 mbd already by 2018. Assuming no other fundamental and unpredicted global economy changes, Western European consumers will be confronted with a steady and totally unprepared oil consumption decline of about 5% for every coming year.

that would correspond to 1 week per month without oil... are you ready?

If you believe fracking is the solution, have a look at the shale bubble web site.

2 commenti:

  1. Why Peak Oil Refuses to Die

    While industry apologists who choose to focus only on the abundance of remaining petroleum resources claim that peak oil is rubbish, the market is telling Houston we have a problem.

    We grasp at apparent solutions that turn out to be a useless waste of effort, or worse.

  2. Psycho politics in the age of imperial decline:

    Rome, the Ottoman Empire, Britain and the Soviet Union – all empires go down. The U.S. empire is the second nuclear-weapons based empire to go down. Will there be a statesman like Gorbachev in the West, or are we doomed by psycho-political denial?
